What's in a dream?

December 18, 2019, Simbang Gabi Matthew 1:18-24 The message of the first reading is that it's a matter of looking back at history from the first moment God led Israel out of the land of Egypt to leading back the dispersed sons back home to Israel. Joseph is part of that life history; he who contains the leniage of David in his blood. He is a true Israelite as Jesus would also be. I'm going to dwell on the dream, becuase that dream changed his mind. It could also change ours. When was the last time we dreamt or even thought of spiritual things? How will the spiritual enter our lives? I am not discounting sickness, death, or accident. But these are sometimes the only things we ever had encounters of the spiritual. When did we encounter the spiritual in our daily lives - the presence of our religious parents who never wearied in their obligation to show us God's presence? And if ever they have failed, how about the presence...