Fortifying our faith

Thursday of the 1st week of Advent

Matthew 7:21,24-27

What constitutes a strong city?  What constitutes a strong house?

First, it is built on rock - the firm foundation of faith; weak faith is built on sand.  If we cannot distinguish between tradition and Tradition, of faith passed on to the apostles till today, we have a weak faith.  If we think we can buy the faith or rely on our own actions, our faith is weak;

second, it is built on ramparts; security walls on the sides; it means we are on a lookout against all evils and enemies; a city is set on a hill to watch out for incoming enemies.  If we give in easily to temptations and immediately say, "We're just humans," we have a weak faith;

third, fortifying whatever is weak; act of repairing those wounded by sin like going to confession.  We are aware of any weakness in our faith and do omething to strengthen it.  We may be strong in devotion but we are weak in charity, our faith is weak.

All these are helps to a strong faith based on a complete trust in God and the action of Jesus.  Any other constitutes a weak faith.


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