God is simply all forgiving!

Thursday of week 31 in Ordinary Time
Luke 15:1-10
The common theme on the end of time is judgment. Only God knows how he will judge us. The question is: Where did passing judgment to other come from?
Whatever the sources are, we admit that we pass judgment to others more than we do to ourselves. We simply are playing gods in the process.
It's clear to St. Paul in the first reading: "This is also why you should never pass judgement on a brother or treat him with contempt, as some of you have done." We simply don't have the right!
In the Gospel, God rejoices in one repentant sinner. What must we do then?
First, there is a colloquial in the business world that says, "Mind your own business!" This statement is not derogatory at all. It simply means we have to take care of our affairs more than we belittle others or pass judgments to others while remaining fruitless in all our endeavors.
Second, possess the heart of God. God's resounding theme is found in Jesus who said, "I didn't come for the righteous but sinners." Do we rejoice at the conversion of a repentant sinner?
Third, let's rejoice at the rebirth and healing of all. That's the exact joy of heaven. When the effects of sin are thwarted by the grace brought about by forgiveness!