Hail, San Jose!

Saint Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Matthew 1:16,18-21,24

by Fr. Lito Jopson, alumnus of San Jose Seminary 1993

Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph, husband of Mary and foster father of Jesus.  We reflect on the instances of Joseph's life as enumerated by the Rosary of St. Joseph formulated by the Oblates of St. Joseph.

According to the Oblates, the St. Joseph Rosary may be prayed just as Marian rosary, substituting the following prayer for the “Hail Mary" with these words:

Joseph, son of David, and husband of Mary; we honor you, guardian of the Redeemer, and we adore the child you named Jesus.  Saint Joseph, patron of the universal church, pray for us, that like you we may live totally dedicated to the interests of the Savior. Amen.

Mysteries of the St. Joseph Rosary are as follows:

1.  Betrothal to Mary (Mt 1:18) - Joseph gets ready to take up his responsibility of being the husband of Mary; reveals his unquestionable faithfulness and dedication
2.  Annunciation to Joseph (Mt 1:19-21) - the angel's explanation of the incarnation of Jesus to Joseph reveals Joseph's docility to God's will.
3.  Birth and Naming of Jesus (Mt 1:22-25). - Joseph's consent to take Mary as his wife reveals his total dedication to do God's will.
4.  Flight into Egypt (Mt 2:13-15) - Joseph, defending Mary and Jesus reveals his dedication of being a committed father as strong defender and strength of the family.
5.  Hidden Life at Nazareth (Mt 2:23; Lk 2:51-52) - Jesus' hidden life reveals the indubitable influence of a loving provider and father that formed the very heart of the Messiah.

May we learn from the traits of this loving husband, father, and disciple of the Lord, St. Joseph.


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