Basis of forgiveness

Saturday of the 2nd week of Lent

Luke 15:1-3,11-32 

The parable of the Prodigal Son reflects Goa as a God of mercy more than his is a God of justice as he waits for his long lost son.  God's justice is also his mercy.

God is offering us forgiveness on two levels:

First, on the level of extreme fallenness - one who actually has fallen into the depth of sinfulness.  Note the publican in the bible who prays, "Forgive me for I am a sinful man."

But the second level is equally culpable, sinful, and dark; like the pharisee who prayed, "Lord I thank you because I'm not like this publican."  It is the sin of pride, arrogance, and judging others. This sin is dark because the one committing the sin is totally blind to his own fallenness; he/ she only sees the sins of others.  That person is playing god.  This kind of sin is harder to forgive for the sinner has blinded himself.

Pray to be freed from pride in all its forms.  Stay humble and ask the forgiveness of God.  His mercy will flow to the repentant sinner, and his sins, eradicated.


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