3 best ways to love God

Friday of the 3rd week of Lent

Mark 12:28-34

God invites to a new life.  He calls us to forgiveness and conversion.

However, we are not faithful to God.  We turn to our wealth, fame, and others for comfort and meaning.  These will not save us.  Only living in God would save us.

When the good scribe affirmed Jesus' answer, he was truly speaking from his heart.  This is what it really means to be a good person: love God above all things and show that you mean it.

So how do we show our love for God?  These three things are the consequences of God's love.

First, We are led to love others with the love we treat ourselves.  All of us know what is good for us.  But to guide us toward the greater good, want we want should apply equally to what others want.

Second, love others with the love God has for us.  Always bask in the sea of God's love.  How does God love?  Immerse in the stories of Jesus.  Ultimately, the more exposed we are to him, the more he changes our lives in love.

Third, His love makes our lives fruitful in acts of love.  The possibilities of new life are endless, most especially in helping bring life to the lifeless, the downtrodden, and the rejected.

Love as God loves


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