Tuesday of week 27 in Ordinary Time

Luke 10:38-42
The people and  beasts of Niniveh starting from the king down to the least, repented in sackcloth and ashes.  But in the Gospel, Jesus had to reprimand Martha for being too preoccupied with the household chores that she forgot to pay attention to Jesus.

Before we can proceed with asking for forgiveness, we have to know when we have sinned.  The trouble with our generation is that it forgot to understand what constitutes sin or not.  People who constantly excuse themselves for not serving the Lord because of a busy schedule; people living in without the benefit of the sacraments; people justifying how they hurt others in the name of justice, people who justify abortion as a way of life, divorces everywhere - we have lost sight of what is true and good.

Only in admitting that we have sinned could we start the road to repentance.  Humility, the grace to understand that we have fallen short of the kingdom of God, becomes an imperative for forgiveness.  Only then can God's grace abound in us.


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