Realizing our vocation

Saint Matthew, Apostle, Evangelist
Matthew 9:9-13
The Feast of St. Matthew opens us to the world of healing ourselves, realizing our vocation, andhealing others.
Healing of self
No amount of sin can take us away from the Lord. Jesus said, "I have come to call not the righteous, but the sinners." In this context, Matthew's life turned around for good when he followed the Lord.Vocation
Vocation is not calling exclusively to priesthood. The point is in the One who is calling and our ability to be sensitive to his call and respond to follow him. We are all called to do specific tasks; we have been given with a grace from the Holy Spirit called charism; let's realize this. Let's place our whole lives in God's hands.Healing of others
With Matthew's call to conversion comes a more important call from Jesus, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice." Live in mercy and compassion, contributing to the healing of the wounded each day.So, what are we waiting for? Follow Jesus!