"Follow me"

Friday of the 7th week of Eastertide
John 21:15-19
We are nearing the end of the Acts of the Apostles with St. Paul decided by King Agrippa and Festus to send him to Rome to be tried. We know that he would be judged unjustly to be condemned to death.In the Gospel, Jesus, after asking Peter, "Do you love me?" and receiving a positive answer, told him, "Follow me." Like St. Paul followed Jesus till Rome, Peter followed Jesus till he was also martyred in Rome. Following Jesus has the following consequences:
First, it starts from love and ends in love - Love is the sole motive for following Jesus whatever consequence it may have on the bearer;
Second, it results in doing God's work on earth - With love as its sole motive, all our actions reflect what God wants us to do;
Third, it gives life to others - Not only does following do good to the person, it also does good to all others loved by God, "Feed my sheep". This is supreme generosity - to offer one's life for the sake of others.