How to see God

Saturday of the 4th week of Eastertide

John 14:7-14

The Church's journey is not smooth-sailing.  Even St. Paul was persecuted in his time being subjected to ridicule and false accusations.  He had to go to the Gentiles to evangelize.

A Church in conflict is farthest from our thoughts considering that it is a sacred institution rooted on Jesus himself, with the apostles as the foundation.

Jesus as head of the this Church gives us teachings on how to go about being Church: be totally united with God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He said, "He who as seen me has seen the Father." How do we see God in our lives then?

First, learn from Jesus as the mirror to the Father.  Learn from his words and actions.  Detect God in action: the Holy Father kissing the sick and teaching about mercy and compassion are direct pictures of the Father.

Second, in those who do the same work as Jesus.  Though we find hard to do this, but with God, nothing is impossible.  The saints do not promote their goodness; rather, they mirror Jesus' words and action in their lives.

Third, in our faith.  Jesus said, "Ask and it will be granted by my Father."  Let our faith speak a thousand words on the presence of God in our lives.

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