How not to betray our Lord

Holy Tuesday
John 13:21-33,36-38
"I tell you most solemnly, one of you will betray me."
Betrayal is truly a loaded word. The apostles started asking, "Is it I, Lord?"
Meanwhile, in the first reading, Isaiah spoke of himself as called before he was even born: "The Lord called me before I was born,"from my mother’s womb he pronounced my name."
All of us were called even before we were born. But to speak of betrayal is a sad state. Jesus said, But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born" (Matt. 26: 24).
We betray when at the onset, we are not faithful to God because we prioritize mundane things. We betray because we are not faithful to our vocation. We betray because eventually, we have not fulfilled the very reason why the Lord created us in the first place.
Let's stay faithful to our call, the call even before we were born. Be attuned with the promptings of the Holy Spirit. At the end of the day, let our lives be filled with love for God and neighbor. Let Jesus be our guide each day as he leads us to the Father and to the reality of who we are.