
January 3

John 1:29-34

Every item points to something; every cause points to an effect; every life points to someone, something, or somewhere; either to God or to the world.

It is stated in the first reading, "You know that God is righteous – then you must recognise that everyone whose life is righteous has been begotten by him."  Jesus is the cause; we are the effects.  And if we are encompassed by sin, then we would surely know who is guiding us.

Meanwhile, the kingdom of the Heaven is already here, but not yet.  We still need to purify ourselves in Jesus in order to make our lives truly fruitful.

John the Baptist's life and testimony points to Jesus. He did justice to the presence of Jesus among the people of his time till our time today.

Pray to give living testimonies of the presence of Jesus to others.


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