How to be intercessors

Friday of week 1 in Ordinary Time
Mark 2:1-12
Intercession is an integral part of Christian life. To intercede means to intervene on behalf of another. The greatest intercessor is of course, Jesus Christ, God's only Son, who intereceded on our behalf for the forgiveness of sins. The Blessed Mother too, the saints and angels are great intercessors.Jesus commended the four for bringing to him the paralytic. We could also be intercessors on behalf of others. This is the mark of a church, when we pray for one another and support one another in any way.
In the first reading, Israel wanting a king to replace God is not the work of intercession. Nevertheless, God ceded to teach us that as we become intercessors, we need to cling on to God as Jesus clings to His Father. The intercessor should have the qualitiees of the One whom he asks intercession. Moreover, he should be totally humble and pleasing to the Lord, with his every action an act of obedience to God.
To summarize: we become Church when we intercede for one another; the intercessor clings to the Lord. He/ she should be totally humble, obedient to the Lord in any way.