God's will and ours

Thursday of week 1 in Ordinary Time
Mark 1:40-45
Photo courtesy of: http://www.fromhisword2u.com/jesus-heals-a-leper-matthew-8-1-4-mark-1-40-45-luke-5-12-16/
There is sea of difference between "I will it" and "You will it for me."
Such is the case of the first reading. The Israelites thought that by carrying the Ark of the Covenant, they would win the war against the Philistines. They were badly mistaken.
The gospel, on the other hand, revealed the heart of the leper, "If you want to, you can cure me." Jesus said, "Of course!"
Faith is not a matter of superstition. Nor is it a set template that leads one to sure salvation. We sometimes think that by simply doing good and avoiding evil, we could get to heaven. Others think that by simply serving in the church as liturgical ministers, they're already active Catholics.
The only gauge of true faith is in Jesus himself. We could only adhere to him to save us in his good pleasure. Meanwhile, let's do everything to know, adore, love, and serve our Lord without any limitations or conditions. We rely totally on his grace to grant us his blessings as he wills, all for our own good.