Qualities of a true Christian

Tuesday of week 3 in Ordinary Time

2 Samuel 6:12-15,17-19
Mark 3:31-35 

Let’s explore David’s situation as a man who does God’s will as underscored by Jesus.

David gives to the Lord all adoration. To adore is to give oneself completely to Go whom we adore.

David gives the offering of his life. David teaches us that true worship is not complete without the counterpart of the offering of our time, talent, and treasure for God.

Thirdly, he blesses the people and consecrates them to God. The Lord looks inside our hearts and he sees what he sees - love.

Perhaps the most important quality David had was to be humble in God’s sight.

These are the things that make us “mothers, brothers, sisters” - doing God’s will every moment of our lives.


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