Increasing and decreasing

Saturday after Epiphany

John 3:22-30

As we are about to conclude the Christmas Season, let us imitate John the Baptist whose life points to Jesus.  He said, "He must increase while I must decrease."  This is the essence of Christian life.  

In the first reading, St. John wrote, "We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the One who was born of God keeps them safe, and the evil one cannot harm them." This describes the person whose life is totally attuned to the presence of God.

What does it take for a Christian to increase in Christ?  A Christian: 

1. is concerned with the spiritual and wholistic wellbeing of others; he  or she treats others as one's  own;

2. follows Christ; an Alter-Christus in the world doing Christ's work, not one's own;

3. pure as Christ; nothing evil can harm him / her.


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