Molding our hearts this Lenten Season

Thursday of the 2nd week of Lent

Luke 16:19-31

Jeremiah never stressed enough the importance of a life that is entrusted to the Lord; it is always fresh, green, and bearing fruit whereas the life devoid of God is like a heathen plant in the desert.

Jesus in the gospel narrates the parable of the the rich man and Lazarus.  Though the rich is filled with wealth, his life is barren, but Lazarus, in yearning for the crusts that fall from the rich man's table is experiencing eternal comfort in heaven.

The key to abundance or the lack of it is the heart.  Jeremiah mentioned it adequately, "I, the Lord, search to the heart, I probe the loins, to give each man what his conduct and his actions deserve."  The gauge for true life is what is inside it."

How do we mold our hearts this Lenten season?

First, search what is inside that heart.  

The desire that causes it to beat is the gauge of its evilness or goodness.  Let that heart start yearning for God.

Second, allow the Lord to search inside that heart.

Be open to his teachings, not the external miracles of the dead reminding the living to repent.

Third, allow that heart to speak.

Let the heart speak words of love.  Commit to convert love into action.


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