Know every path that leads to Jesus

Saturday of the 4th week of Lent

John 7:40-52

The people of Israel couldn't discern whether Jesus was the son of God or not.  But then came those who think they know God that they end up ridiculing others and most of all, Jesus: "Prophets do not come out of Galilee", though Jonas was from Galilee.

When we are far away from God because of sin, all hell breaks lose.  From our corrupted minds comes corrupted hearts, hands and feet.  This total ignorance of God is what we are afraid of.  In this age of technology and information, man thinks he knows everything and what he does is true.  In the end, our lives are devoid of any tinge of the goodness and will of God.

Heed the Lord's words in the first reading, "But you, the Lord of Hosts, who pronounce a just sentence, who probe the loins and heart, let me see the vengeance you will take on them, for I have committed my cause to you."  Let us reflect every verse from this reading to know God.

First, God pronounces the just sentence - He is the just God who knows all things, creates all things, gives order to all things, and leads all to himself.  He knows the order of things according to his fashion.  We just need to abide by him.

First, God probes the loins and the hearts - he knows our innermost thoughts, feelings, and actions.  The least we can do is to acknowledge that in following him could we have self-knowledge and peace in our hearts.

Third, God commands our utmost and unconditional commitment.  Want to change the world?  Follow God.


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