Commending one's spirit to God

"Father, into your hands I commend my spirit."

Luke 23:46

In the 5 stages of death – denial, compromise, anger, depression, and acceptance, these words of our Lord are the words we might utter after all our struggles on earth, denials, compromises, anger and depression from all sicknesses, problems, sin, and desolation. 

We humbly present to the Lord who we really are.  No more false pretenses; no more hiding.  We now utter, "Father, into your hands i commend my spirit."

What does it mean when we pray these words?  And when is the best time to say them?

First, know that Jesus is also equipped with a human spirit that gives life to his body.  We also possess the same spirit integrated in our bodies.  We need to offer our spirits to the Lord, having been created in his image and likeness, so that our every existence in this world would be a holy existence springing from a harmonious relationship between the body and the soul.

Second, the best time to commend our spirits is now, not later.  We don't delay any commendation till later.  Every day is an opportunity to live in accordance with God’s will.

Third, offering one’s spirit signifies total union with God in heaven.  But must we wait till the last moment to be united with God?  Secondly, heaven is a state of God’s salvation.  Peace is the result of our struggles on earth, having promised to work hard to make heaven here on earth.  Let us make efforts to make existence in this world an opportunity to connect our brothers and sisters to God.


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