Hope in the midst of fallenness

Tuesday of Holy Week

John 13:21-33,36-38

This Holy Tuesday, Satan entered into Judas who dipped bread together with Jesus and left to do what he had to do - betray Jesus.

Yet, Jesus is the Messiah prophesied in Isaiah, the One called before he was born, elected to save humankind from sin.  God's spirit is in Him.

Peter, on the other hand, though appearing concerned about who would betray Jesus, did not know that he would end up doing the same.  Jesus said, "You cannot follow" for not only Peter, but us, are not yet prepared to face the ultimate confrontation between evil and good.

In moments when we are confronted with our own weaknesses and sin, because we are not yet ready to follow Jesus, do the following:

First, stay close to Jesus.  This is simply faith, when our natural faculties to understand collide with faith, we give in to faith precisely we believe in Jesus.

Second, stay close to the light.  God promised Israel to be the "light to the nations."  Pray that all of our thoughts, words, and actions, be filled with light to shed light also to others.

Third, be patient.  In the end, the truth shall set us free.  Those faithful to the Lord will triumph.  The good always wins!


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