How not to be Judas

Wednesday of Holy Week

Matthew 26:14-16

Holy Wednesday brings us to reflect on the moment prior to the Last Supper when Jesus again prophesied who would betray him.

The moment of salvation is near, but woe to that betrayer.  His sin is great indeed, far than any of us could think of.  He stayed with our Lord, traveled with him, heard his words, and seen his actions.   But he sold him for 30 pieces of silver after he ridiculed Mary when she poured perfume on Jesus' feet.  To sell person is a treatment of total indignity against him.  Much worse, when he asked the question, "Is it I, Rabbi?" he stripped Jesus of his title "Lord".

We betray Jesus every moment of our active liveshere on earth.  We claim we don't have time even to greet him or visit him in the church.  No wonder we don't have time to serve him.  We become like Judas when:

First, we stop listening to Jesus.  When our outlook on life is far from Jesus' outlook. When Jesus talks about sharing and we keep of thinking about self-survival.  Listen and learn from Jesus.

Second, when we belittle others.  To sell another is to treat him or her as an object.  That's how skewed our vision is of others.  We don't have time to consider their plight.  Learn to see our intimate link with others and serve them.

Third, we stop regarding Jesus as "Lord". 

Let's remember that despite our fallenness, Jesus is ready to help us.  Meek and humble of heart, his desire is to continue saving us.  Let's not lose this opportunity anymore.  It's Jesus who causes us to live and not ourselves.  Let's give our Lord what he deserves, our adoration and total and undivided attention.


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