Steadfast faith

Saturday of week 34 in Ordinary Time

Luke 21:34-36 

After Daniel was revealed the meaning of the four animals as signifying the powers during those times - Greeks, Persians, Romans, and Chaldeans, he was specially drawn to
the fourth animal that is truly worse, hideous, and powerful enough to kill.  There is something in this animal that has 10 horns which symbolizes evil.  What he does is entirely opposite the compassion of Christ yet he declares himself as God.  We should do well to take care not to be subjected to his destructive reign.

How do we guard ourselves so that our hearts remain pure, steadfastly waiting for the Son of Man to come?

First, we need to equip ourselves with the proper arsenal - prayer, faith, and sacraments, never wallowing in a lax show of faith;

Second, we need to constantly live our our faith - practice, practice, practice that faith to perfection.  Practice makes perfect.  There's no short cut to perfection except through practice.

Third, let our motive be love instead of fear.  Perfect love casts out fear.  God will bring our lives to perfection.  Ask: Are all our actions motivated by love for God?  Only then can we consider ourselves awake and steadfast in faith.


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