Don't be sidetracked this Christmas!

Friday of the 2nd week of Advent

Matthew 11:16-19 

Christmas is always a time to renew ourselves to know who the Child in the manger is and how we can consider his offer of salvation.

Unfortunately, when people are too preoccupied with worldly things, this offer of salvation is cast aside till later date, perhaps at the time of death.  This is the message of the Lord to hard-headed children, "We played the pipes for you, and you wouldn’t dance; we sang dirges,
and you wouldn’t be mourners.”  

Let us resolve to use each day to know, love, adore, and serve the Lord.  Knowing the Lord does not commence at the end of life, but now.

Doing the Lord's commands is not an end-of-life task but entails listening each day for his word.

Loving the Lord through others entails utilizing each day to offer oneself to bring life to others. 

Then we shall not be sidetracked with the materialistic concerns of preparing for Christmas; rather, our house will be ready for the Lord's coming, always and forever.


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