Incarnating Jesus in us this Christmas

20 December
Luke 1:26-38
Today's readings tell the story of Ahaz as he was given a prophecy of being sent a king born of a virgin whom she will call "Emmanuel" which means "God-is-with-us."In today's gospel, that virgin is Mary who consented to bring forth her son Jesus, the savior of the world.
As we prepare for the blessed Christmas, we beg the Lord the grace so that we, like Mary, may incarnate Jesus in our lives and share him to others. Let us learn from the personages presented to us in the readings:
1. Ahaz and the Fear of the Lord - Even if Ahaz, the king of Israel was notorious in worshiping false gods, still he knew when not to put the Lord God to the test. Let us be imbued with the Holy Fear of the Lord. This is not to say that because we fear his majesty, we veer far away from him; nor practice the exact opposite - that we are not ashamed of committing sin against him. Let us learn the two meanings of Fear of the Lord in the Act of Contrition - not only "because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell"; but more so, "because I have offended you, o Lord, who are all good and worthy of all my love."
2. Mary and Holiness and Purity of Heart - The Immaculate Conception shows us holiness as the pathway to God. God calls us to a life of holiness. It is better that we hope against hope that we would lead holy lives than give in to the sinful lifestyle and rue even a ray of hope of being saved.
3. Mary's unconditional Obedience - Mary uttered, "I am the maidservant of the Lord; let it be done to me as you say." Then Jesus was incarnated in her.
When we accept the role of being followers of the Lord and do his will, we are transformed according to his image. When a community of believers become a community of disciples, the entire community becomes transformed. When our leaders submit humbly to the King of all kings, they are transformed to change the country for good.
Jesus becomes incarnated in us and the whole world the moment we heed these three virtues - holy fear of the Lord, holiness and purity of heart, and total obedience.