Jump for joy this Christmas!

21 December
Luke 1:39-45
Mary, after having learned that Elizabeth would bear a child, proceeded in haste to assist her in her home which was about 120 miles from Nazareth. When Elizabeth saw her, the baby in her womb leapt for joy.In the book of the prophet Zephaniah, he called out on the people to rejoice with incomparable gladness because the Lord repealed his sentence, his kingship will dwell again in Israel, and he would drive its enemies away.
After the conception of Jesus in the womb of the Blessed Mother, what are the conditions of us jumping for joy given this Christmas? Christmas is truly a time to jump for joy when we learn these three realities:
First, "Emmanuel". God is with us every moment of our lives to the minute detail. Let's rejoice because our deliverer is always with us. We experience eternal security in the presence of the Lord. He is truly a loving God who dwells with us forever.
Second, conversion. We shall experience the change in our way of life. Whether that change is fast or slow, be assured that we would be changed in the image and likeness of God. Rejoice for our conversion from sin to grace. We shall be converted in love.
Third, kingship. Not only do we dwell in safety because of a all-powerful and loving king, his kingship moves us to love and serve one another. Here is king who teaches us not to rule, but to serve as Mary did to her cousin Elizabeth.
These are the lasting fruits of Christmas: God with us, conversion, and a life of servanthood.