The Holy Spirit and the Children of Easter

Monday of the 2nd week of Eastertide

John 3:1-8

The excitement of Easter is when we ourselves become instruments of bring the resurrection of the Lord to others.

But the great challenge is to stay focused on the Holy Spirit as the main provider of that inspiration to proclaim to others the Good News of the Risen Lord.

In order to live in the Spirit, we have to do these three things:

1. Desire to live in the Holy Spirit.

The best way to recognize the risen Lord even in today's world is to live in the Spirit.  It simply means getting rid of sinful inclinations and desires to please the self.

2. Discern what comes from the Holy Spirit.

The main indicators that decisions and actions are coming from the Holy Spirit are two:  first, the beneficiaries are others more than self; and secondly, the greatest motivation is to please the Lord.  If the self is main motivation of all actions and decisions above God and all others, it's not coming from the Holy Spirit.

3.  Courage 

The courage to do what is virtuous is definitely living the life of the Holy Spirit.  No matter what treats and crimes are inflicted on Christians, the Church continues to expand and grow.  The one that would bring all things to completion is the Holy Spirit.

Pray that no matter what happens we shall remain faithful to God.


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