Family Eucharistic Spirituality

Tuesday of the 3rd week of Eastertide

John 6:30-35 

Jesus invited the people: I am the bread of life.  he who believes will never be hungry.  He who believes in me will never thirst.

In this Easter season, we may not be allowed to assemble as a community because of the covid, Jesus is still here in the midst.  But the Eucharist now becomes the family.   In what ways the family can be a Eucharist?

First, every action comes from God.  It is Jesus who saves, not our action.  The family clings to Jesus who gathers them as a family.  Each family member is guided by God.

Second, the fruit of communion is unity.  Family unity is very important.  The "mesa" is reminiscent of the "misa", the commemoration of the Last Supper of the Lord.

Third, sacramental and actual graces - good works.  Every good work is a reflection of Jesus.  Every member becomes an Alter Christus.


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