
Wednesday of the 3rd week of Eastertide
John 6:35-40
The persecution continues in the first reading. But so is the work of Jesus till this very day.In the Gospel, Jesus underscores eternity.
Food is temporary. We need food each day. Physical food becomes stale. But Jesus as food is eternal.
It's undeniable that we're living on a day-to-day basis. We need to be sustained till we age. But we also need to understand eternity. There are young people who floated the idea of not having a "forever". But there are things that last forever. These are:
1. God and all heavenly things - are forever
2. a heart changed in time - that's why we don't adhere to capital punishment. The life God has given to every person is a call to a transformed self.
3. love - indeed is forever. It is perfection in God who is love.
We are seeing things from a temporal perspective. But if we imagine the perfection of love in us, in whatever time and place we are in, our love transforms, expands, becomes perfect. Even enemies, we love. And that's the saving action. Our lives become a source of salvation for others. Because we, like Jesus, chose to love.