Our lives resonate Jesus' life

Easter Friday

John 21:1-14 

We have two stories about the resurrection: the first reading is about the post-resurrection, when Peter and John healed a lame through Jesus Christ; and the miraculous catch of fish in the gospel, reminiscent of what Jesus did when he called Petter.

Two stories.  What are they saying to us who also have a story to tell?

In the first reading, Peter reiterated that the act of healing was attributed mainly to Jesus Christ, whose actions continue right to this very day when Jesus continues to heal.  There are two types of healing there: the healing of the lame, and second, the very act of kindness done to a cripple is itself a miracle coming from Jesus.

In the gospel, the apostles dare not ask, for they knew it was Jesus who called them to try catching fish again.

Two stories, reminiscent of the very healing of Jesus.  How much do we know about the stories of Jesus?

Now, we are hearing of stories of people who have contracted the virus, and there are those who are not following the stay at home and physical distancing policies.  What are they saying to us?

First, let's put our full trust in Jesus.

But secondly, let us reflect on the many accounts of the bible when our lives resonated with Jesus' words and actions.

Third, let's think about the miracle of love and kindness; the times we thought more of the welfare of others instead of our own. 

Reflect:  Share an experience when our actions resonated with Jesus' healing action in the bible.


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