Who alone can calm the waters of the sea?

Saturday of week 3 in Ordinary Time
Mark 4:35-41
David is reaping the fruits of his imprudent action. After killing Uriah and getting his wife, Nathan is quick to announce to him God's punishment. David becomes truly repentant.In the Gospel, Jesus rebuked the wind and the sea. They obeyed him.
David sinned; Jesus is filled with grace.
Grace is the a gift from the Holy Spirit; from the teachings of the Church, "Grace is favor, the free and undeserved help that God gives us to respond to his call to become children of God, adoptive sons, partakers of the divine nature and of eternal life".
Grace makes us realize that nothing comes from us; everything belongs to God. Yet, by his overwhelming generosity, we become partakers of his divine gifts.
Grace clarifies our relationship with God. We become humble instruments used at the complete disposal of the Lord for the salvation of the world. Even power is used prudently not for oneself but for him.
The opposite of grace is sin; it marks our separation from God. The consequence of sin is death. Thus, let us resolve to be in the state of grace, constantly serving God and helping to save our brothers and sisters.