Deepen that faith!

Thursday of week 1 in Ordinary Time, II
Mark 1:40-45
In spite of carrying the Ark of the Covenant as they used to do it in times of war, the Israelites lost to the Philistines heavily.In the Gospel, after curing the leper, Jesus instructed him not to tell anyone; the man nevertheless told everyone.
The readings orient us to the proper way of serving the Lord. First, let us respect the holy things of the Lord. They are not for superstitious display; they are meant for us to be open to God's presence.
Second, Jesus wasn't prohibiting the leper just because he didn't want to announce the miracle; he invites the man to enter into a deeper reality of his healing - not just the curing of the disease but open to God's saving grace.
Third, offering. What Jesus wants is offering as a fruit of healing. Offering is the manifestation of a concrete faith by which we can declare that we are true Christians.