It's our time to serve

Monday of week 3 in Ordinary Time

Mark 3:22-30

In the Old Testament reading, David peacefully took dominion over the land of Israel, one by one, till he captured Jerusalem.  He started reigning when he was 30 and he ruled for 40 years.

In the gospel, Jesus wasn't accepted by pharisees of Israel.  They even blasphemed against him, accusing him of being with "Beelzebul" or the prince of demons.  Jesus could take any sin, but not the one that blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, "I tell you solemnly, all men’s sins will be forgiven, and all their blasphemies; but let anyone blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and he will never have forgiveness: he is guilty of an eternal sin."

Our non-acceptance of our responsibilities before God might also fall in the category.  We may not know it, but if we belittle God's rule over our lives, we might also be guilty of committing it.

Be aware that like David and Jesus, we too have a role to perform and a vocation to live out.  Life is not ours.  God disposes it for us.

Let us reflect the time of our lives.  Like David who became king at 30, and so is Jesus when he started his public ministry at the age of 30, what time is it in our lives right now?  Could we pinpoint a time of our lives that we commit fully to serving God, like ordination to the priesthood or the day of the wedding?

Let us also reflect on the fruitful years of service.  David served as king for 30 years.  Jesus proclaimed on earth for three years.  It is not the length of our stay on earth that matters; rather, is the quality that we spent time on earth that accounts for the fruitfulness of our lives.  Let's not delay our service to the Lord.


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