Changing the world through Hesus Nazareno

Hesus Nazareno

Tuesday of week 1 in Ordinary Time

Mark 1:21-28

As we observe the Feast of Hesus Nazareno in the Philippines, we acknowledge wholeheartedly how Jesus has a profound effect not only on a few, but a vast majority of Filipinos flocking to Quiapo Church every year, numbering to more than 12 million men, women, and children who experienced healing and blessing.

On the other hand, this vast number could start a revolution in the Church, if only there would be opportunities to get to know Jesus on a deeper level.  Surely, the state of the Philippines would remarkably change congruent to the increasing number of devotees.

It is this adherence to Jesus of Nazareth that would make the difference.  We need to make a leap of faith from miracles to the true miracle, the conversion of mind, heart, and life to adore, love, and serve Jesus and experience social transformation.  We pray that profound knowledge of the Lord would turn us into a Church of disciples, living followers of Jesus.

Dwelling on the Gospel for today, let me point out three things that would deepen our knowledge of Jesus:

First, truth.  When the devil said, "I know who you are", Jesus immediately commanded him, "Be quiet! Come out of the man."  He would not allow such truth to come out of liars.  He instead wants us to learn from him ourselves till we can proclaim, "You are the Holy One of God because I came to know you."

Second, teaching.  Jesus' teaching is new.  Unlike the scribes, who probably taught lengthily, yet contain empty messages, Jesus' teachings were short but touch the very core of the person.  His teachings transform us to be loving persons.

Third, authority.  He commanded with authority: "he gives orders even to unclean spirits and they obey him".  We can only pray with a deep faith that we can change situations only with the power of Jesus that starts from the core of our being.  Even death doesn't have power over him.


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