Salt of the earth; light of the world

Tuesday of week 10 in Ordinary Time

Matthew 5:13-16

The woman in the first reading was subjected to the strictest trial, but she was able to withstand it.  As a reward, the jars of meal and oil were not consumed.  She earned the respect of the prophet Elijah.

In the Gospel, Jesus reminds us Christian disciples how we can earn God's admiration.  The first is being salt.  It's meant to give flavor and to preserve.  Preserved from any corruption of sin, we rely totally of God's spirit to enliven us to do his will faithfully and unreservedly.

The second is light.  Set on a mountain top, that light enlightens the whole surrounding
.  That light is Christ, the light of the world, in his Church.  The truth that Christ gives to us forms our consciences, enabling us to live in freedom.  We also help redeem others by bringing them to the light.

May we never falter in these challenges to be the salt of the earth and light of the world!


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