The measure of ourselves

Monday of the 2nd week of Lent

Luke 6:36-38 

This 13th day of Lent calls us to reflect how much we are rendering to God and our neighbors.

The weighing scale is a symbol of justice.  It should not be skewed to either side.  But it also mirrors our love for God and neighbor.

When we were children, everything seemed to be skewed to our favor; otherwise, we wouldn't live. However, if we continue in this state even after our education, then we are simply living the self-centered lifestyle.

Jesus said, "The measure that we measure will be measured back to us."  What measure is this?

First, the measure of our relationship with others.

First, the measure of our relationship with persons.  Look at the image of a mirror.  What we see is ourselves.  As regards others, look at them.  What do we see?  We should see our own images on what we have done to them.  If we don't accord them care and concern, it reflects how lowly we treat ourselves.

Second, the measure of our relationship with God.

How do we look at God?  God deserves all service and adoration.  But if our treatment of God is in the peripheries of our daily preoccupations, we would be judged accordingly.   Our lives mirror either our devotion or neglect to God.

God commands us to love him above all things and to love our neighbors as ourselves.  If we truly love ourselves, we would be offering our lives to the Lord without delay.  If we truly love ourselves, then we would throw ourselves at the service of others.


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