A life like Jesus

Thursday of week 4 in Ordinary Time

Mark 6:7-13

All in all, David lived a fruitful, meaningful life.  God was well-pleased with him.  He conducted his affairs in complete obedience to God.  He also suffered due to sinfulness, but he was repentant.  He transmitted the faith to Solomon, his son and heir to the throne.

His life is likened to Jesus Christ.  He also started with humble beginnings, was elected, became fruitful, suffered because of love, and rose again to leave a lasting legacy.

In the Gospel, Jesus sent his apostles to proclaim the Good News.  But he is also implanting his presence in our times today.  Everything may seem ordinary, but our lives may also reflect that of Jesus.

Our humble beginnings.  We are still the weak human beings that God created when we were born.  Let's proclaim our humility before God.

Our election.  He chose us to do particular tasks and missions when we were gifted with the Holy Spirit.

Our fruitfulness.  Our work is not ours but his.

Our sinfulness. By our sinfulness and the sinfulness of the world, we partake in the sufferings of Jesus.

Our healing and resurrection.  Jesus heals our wounds;  we also embrace and carry others' burdens because of love.

Let our lives reflect Jesus' life.  They would all be meaningful.


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