The deeper reasons for fasting

Friday after Ash Wednesday
Matthew 9:14-15
Day 3: In the Book of Isaiah, the prophet clarified fasting not just an external action, but a manifestation of the intentions of the heart. He checked on the injustices and abuses done by people against another even though they are fasting.Jesus further clarified the meaning of fasting in terms of relationship. "Surely the bridegroom’s attendants would never think of mourning as long as the bridegroom is still with them? But the time will come for the bridegroom to be taken away from them, and then they will fast."
In our generation today given extreme consumerism and materialism, we don't give enough importance to the language of the soul and the heart. What results is greed, gluttony, and overexposure to material things. But with fasting:
We are to check the injustices we have done against others, even neglect in taking care of the poor, needy, and victims of injustices and discrimination due to economic status.
We are to impose charity by engaging in fruitful relationships with others to the point of offering our lives for them.
Finally, we are see fasting as a way to get closer to the heart of Jesus whose life on earth is a perpetual fast for the salvation of the world.