5th day within the octave of Christmas

Real face of love

Luke 2:22-35

For this 5th day of Christmas, we are confronted with the offering of Jesus in the temple.  Simeon prophesied and so did Anna.

In the first reading, St. John revealed the importance of this new law which is also as old as time.  It is about loving others as God has loved us.

I would like to explore aspects of loving as described by St. John; a love that is like Christmas when God was made man.

Love starts with following God's commands

If we truly love God, we shall follow him completely and without questions.

Love is forever new

It may be an old reality as old as time, yet, for love to be authentic, it makes all things new.  The pathways of love are always refreshing; it gives life to the soul.  People are transformed in the world of love.

Love is not pretentious

Being pretentious means attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.  Love cannot and will not create something that is false or evil.  It will  always be sincere.

Thus, the love we have is what we get.  Rejoice, for there are so many things to do to make love as perfect as God.  Let God's love be incarnate in us.


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