Thursday of week 9 in Ordinary Time, II

Following the true law

Mark 12:28-34

In the gospel for today, Jesus explains the commandment by which every person of goodwill should follow.  We know that Jesus further deepened this by giving a new command, "Love one another as I have loved you."

The basis for following the law is Jesus himself.  That's why in the first reading, St. Paul focused on following the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  The basis for following the law is Jesus himself.

There are three things worth fulfilling as we orient our lives to following God's law:
1. Know what is good and bad.  Follow what is good.  Detest what is evil.
2.  Know what is better.  Leave everything behind to follow Jesus.  Know him in the level of the heart why He is who he is.  He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning the end.  He is the way, the truth, and the life.
3.  Live Him out.  Be sent and travel on the path of salvation.  The gauge is to see Jesus in everyday life.  Allow ourselves to be sent to love as He loves.


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