The Immaculate Heart of Mary

The immaculate heart

Luke 2:41-51

In the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we are invited to enter into a process of constant purification of our hearts until they beat in consonance with the pure hearts of Jesus and Mary.

There are three things that we need to enter into the purification process:

First, seek not for anything else except Jesus alone.  Like Mary and Joseph who sought endlessly for the Child Jesus, we are to seek Jesus amidst the noise and confusion of this world.  We need to empty our hearts with vain things.  Start seeking for Jesus.

Second, realize that Jesus will always be in the Father's house.  He is never lost.  We are invited to enter always and find ourselves in the Father's house where we would always be safe in the arms and care of the Father.

Third, Jesus' words can be interpreted as: "Do you not know that I must be busy with my Father's affairs?"  If our hearts are pure, our preoccupation is not in doing our own affairs but the Father's affairs.  Even those who are involved in secular affairs need not say, "I'm too busy to do God's work."  The secular affairs may be what Father is asking them to do as long as they're sure it's from the Father.

If we do these things and not be too worried about other things, our hearts become pure and immaculate.  Our hearts will always be geared to follow God.


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