Friday of week 11 in Ordinary Time, II

Kingship of God

Matthew 6:19-23

We need to make clear which king we are following: the earthly king or the heavenly king?

The earthly king would stress on acquiring all power and wealth of this world but eventually, he accounts to nothing.

Jesus said, "Do not store for yourselves treasures on earth, where the moths and woodworms destroy them."

God's heavenly kingship on the other hand, lasts forever.  He also grants his followers everlasting life.  His kingship is based on love.

In the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, we are invited to imagine ourselves following the divine King and not be swayed by the lures of the earthly king.

In summary, be clear on the kind of king we are following.  Second, discover the heart of the divine king.  Third, don't lose sight of the banner of the divine king.


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