Thursday of the 2nd week of Advent


Matthew 11:11-15

Vocation ... a call to greater things only God can do.

Vocation is ultimately the promise of the Lord entrusted to those who are open to follow his will.  Such is John the Baptist; he opened the fulfillment of prophets; the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence by his words and actions.

Vocation is ultimately total accountability to God.  Our actions should reflect the plan of God to save; not for us to simply exist in this world.

Vocation is the very core of our being, not an aside to the priorities of our lives.  It eventually marks our very being.  Let the joy of our lives be God alone.


Children's version:

May we learn from the life of St. John the Baptist.  He was faithful to God that he lived a simple life.  In his heart he wants to serve Him.  And so he prepared the way of Jesus although he hasn't seen him yet.  But the purity of heart led him to see Jesus.

When you grow up, some of you will be doctors, or engineers, or artists, or teachers, or even priests and nuns.  But in whatever you do, seek to make Jesus happy by serving him in your work and making people happy.  Be an instrument of the Lord and bring him to others.


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