Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe

Our home in Jesus

LK 1:26-38

In the first reading from the book of Zechariah, "Rejoice o daughter Zion, for the Lord will make his dwelling upon you."

In the gospel of Luke, Jesus made his dwelling in Mary.  The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe reflects this.

Let's reflect on our dwelling place.  It can be a house where we live.  But the real essence is the home, where relationships and warmth exist.  Those who live in it is now called "a family".

God offers this kind of home.  Mary is the picture of this home as Jesus is in her.  But this home is really Jesus, the source of the warm love of God.

Let's also make our home in Jesus, with love and mercy enveloping us.  Salvation is found in this kind of real home and family.


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