5th day within the octave of Christmas


Luke 2:22-35

Let's focus on the light.  According to a common dictionary, light either refers to that which makes things visible.  Materially speaking, we are referring to the light bulbs as examples of light sources.  Another definition is what is happening inside the human disposition: an understanding of a problem or mystery.

What John is referring to as light? Jesus himself is the light of life.  So, if anyone is not living according to the light of Christ, he is in darkness, especially when he hates his brother / sister.

In the gospel, Simeon also talks about the light whom he can now see and he can now rest.  But the second one is this: through Jesus, all actions would be laid bare.  He will always be a sign of contradiction for many.  And that all thoughts may be laid bare.

Thus, we are talking of two lights: one that refers to Jesus, and another that lays bare the secret longings of the heart whether we are for or against Christ.  And our actions would serve as either light or darkness to others.  There are no grey areas in this.


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