Thursday of week 30 in Ordinary Time, 1

God's power of love

Luke 13:31-35

The reading from the letter of Paul to the Romans speaks of a God who will connect with us no matter what.  Not even sin can penetrate that covenant of love.

It is reflected in the words of Jesus to stay in Jerusalem till his death even though the Pharisees want him out of the place.  God's will will be fulfilled and Jesus is there to fulfill it.

Our response to God's power is humble submission then.  Normally, we don't want to be tied to a particular person, power or ideology. The only thing that remains is our pride to stay put to where we are.  But know now that even this is useless against God's power of love.

God's love can turn night into day; it can cure diseases; brings hope to the hopeless; restores sight to the blind; it can even raise the dead back to life.  

If we are truly convinced of the power of God's love, then we should have changed our decision to fully committing ourselves to him and offer more of our time, talent and treasure to do His will.  God's love will change the world.  And we will be there with Him to witness His triumph.


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