Friday of week 28 in Ordinary Time

Indebtedness to God

Luke 12:1-7

Jesus warns the Jews against the yeast of hypocrisy of the Pharisees.  The Pharisees during that time were perceived to feel higher than anybody else because of their knowledge.

Jesus is teaching us to discover the mystery of our true selves: we are simply created by the Father and totally indebted to him.

Even the first reading reflects this. "Abraham put his faith in God, and this faith was considered as justifying him. If a man has work to show, his wages are not considered as a favour but as his due; but when a man has nothing to show except faith in the one who justifies sinners, then his faith is considered as justifying him." (Rom. 4, 1 - 8).

From the first moment we were born and even before that till today, let us serve God not because God owes us anything, but because we owe God our very own lives.  As God fills us with his blessings each day, let us look at every moment as opportunity to repay him for the immeasurable generosity he has bestowed upon us.

We can do this by taking the role of being faithful stewards of the Lord.

Finally, let us allow ourselves to be totally available to him, offering our time, talent, and treasure to extol and praise his name above all others.


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