Thursday of week 8, I

Mark 10:46-52

Qoheleth describes the grandeur of God and His power over all creation.

If things are in disarray, it's not because of God.  Rather, we allowed ourselves to go far away from him.

In the gospel, Jesus cured the blind man.  He established himself rightfully as the Son of God with the same power as the Father, with the power to restore all things, including sight.

And what is our response?  Faith.  This is what Jesus checks on all of us.

Faith is simply a product of our relationship with the Divine Master; our ability to detect his presence.

Faith involves entrusting of oneself to the Master as one does to a friend.  "I believe in you" means we have total faith in him before all else.  That is faith.

Finally, faith is the realization of the envisioned restoration.  "Amen" is our firm conviction that God is in control of all things and He will bring it to completion.  Our action then is our response in faith.  We will serve the Lord.


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