Friday of the 7th week of Eastertide

How deep is your love?

John 21:15-19 

It all boils down to love.  If we truly love God, all things will spring out from it.

"Do you love me more than these?" Jesus is also asking us whether  our love for God would be higher than our families and our own lives.  If the answer is "yes", then all else will follow.

The life of loving, if defined only in human terms is not really love.  First, if a man loves a woman, it should be as faithful and as responsible as Jesus' love for us, his Church.

If we claim we have love, our love should transcend familiar and social ties; it should reach out to the poor.

If our love is truly authentic, then we would really end up following Jesus to the cross, all for the sake of mankind.  That's why Jesus said, "Feed my sheep."  Those who may have love in the family but do not love the poor may not have any true love at all.

How far would our love for Jesus go?  Do we really love him more than all these?  It starts with a humble admittance, "Lord, I'm sorry.  I haven't loved you the way you should be loved. Help me to love you."


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