Friday of week 8, I

legacy, anybody interested?

Mark 11:11-26

In the gospel, Jesus cursed a fig tree.  But in the middle of the story, he also drove the money changers out of the temple.

Whether we like it or not, we are leaving memories behind - good memories, bad memories.  What memories would you like to leave behind?

Another word is "legacy".  Legacy is something that we will leave behind and will stay in the world for generations to come.

Parents, what legacy are you leaving to your children? Land? Money? Or God and his values that your children will teach their children and next generation of children?

Would we want to be remembered as saving our own family or we extended our arms to help a greater number of families, especially the poor?

Would we want to leave things that only stay in this world but cannot reach heaven?

We can either stay barren, or we can decide to use our lives to leave traces of God's presence in the world and leave a rich legacy of the Lord's presence in the world.


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