Marketing God and the Church

Tuesday of the 26th Week in ordinary time
year 1

What an irony for the first and second readings.  In the first reading, people would want to journey with the Jews in going up to Jerusalem because of their God.  But in the second reading, people abhor Jesus who is going up to Jerusalem.  Why?

If we invite people to be active in the Church, why do they remain inactive? In the readings we can infer that God is irresistible.  We must have done something to not make God irresistible.  We may have conditioned ourselves not to resist other things like material things in place of God.

Second, we may have failed to incarnate Jesus in our lives and failed to share him to others.  This lack of dedication has sacrificed the excitement of children to be active in the Church.

Let us constantly evaluate within ourselves if truly, we admit that God is high above any priority in our lives; that his truth and values be incarnated in us; and that we passionately share Him with others.


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